Saturday, 25 October 2008

All Aboard Noahs Ark!!

Since the last update I have been waiting for some good news. The experimental drug should have taken effect. Hopefully the TTP will have been defeated and I can move on the the top up transplant and a recovery of blood counts. I am really hopeful that this will be the case. But am also aware from experience anything can happen.

I am now seeing the doctors on a more regular basis after complaining, but they only know enough to deal with my minor niggles. To their credit they are trying to move forward some of the niggles that I am having.

First of all I have a problem with a large ulcer on my tongue. This has been caused by my mouth swelling\face swelling up because of the steroids I am on. I am biting my tongue.. I have been referred to the dental hospital who have sanded down a sharp tooth and given me a gum shield to wear at night. At present this has not done any good but with any luck will sort it out over the next week.

The second problem is my leg. It is still causing me problems.. but the doctors have now arranged some physio. Slightly more worrying is the potential cause of the problem. Once again the intensive treatment of drugs and radiotherapy may have caused some permanent damage to my hip (the strength of the bone). Worse case scenario would be a hip transplant!!! I personally think this is quite unlikely and the issues I am having are partly due to the drugs and water retention caused by the steroids and then due to muscle deterioration.

I see a few other doctors but for the big picture I need to see Prof Marks. He proves very illusive but eventually I get to see him. He confirms that the experimental drug so far has not done anything but explains that it may have a delayed reaction. Its been a over a week since my last dose so I would expect to see something happen fairly soon. In terms of the transplant it will take around 2 weeks to see if it has grafted. Back to the waiting game. The transplant itself when it finally happens is fairly straight forward. I do not suffer any immediate side effects but am left drained and fall asleep shortly after getting home. This lasts until Saturday morning.. I have a pounding headache and little energy but seem to start to recover in the afternoon.

This week has been a long week. I have been in hospital everyday apart from Tuesday. Each day I've been in from 8 until at least 5. Most of this time is waiting around. I have a set routine. Which I have decided that I need to change as I've started climbing the walls again. Its getting very frustrating.

Anyway the are some better things to talk about than hospital treatments. On the weekend Emma, Julie and Widget put on another fantastic party. The theme was Noahs ark. While I am still not drinking it was great fun. I went as a Lion but was out done by Oly Ladbrooks lobster and James B's homemade crocodile. The girls made a fantastic effort with homemade peacocks (I am not even going to ask where they got the feathers. I hope they did not go chasing them round some country estate but I would not put it passed them). The party went on until late in the night with the neighbours pulling the fuses in a attempt to finish the party. Cheers to the girls for a good night out.

On my day off (Tuesday) I went to see Alex, Amy & Alonzo. I could not get used to seeing Alex & Amy as parents. They have settled into it remarkably quickly, although I'm sure it may not seem that way to them. Baby Alonso seems so small and fragile, although the midwife says he has big hands.. they seem tiny to me. Alonzo has a fantastic smile and loves sucking on Alex's finger. He does not half fidget when he wants attention, building up muscles for his future rugby career. He does squats and press ups on Alex's chest. Don't think he is quite ready for a rugby ball yet, but I'm sure Alex will introduce it as soon as possible. Amy has started recovering very quickly. You would not guess she had just had a baby.

This weekend I am keeping it quite. My immune system has not just collapsed but completely disappeared so I'm been a bit of a bubble boy keeping myself away from people. I am feeling fairly run down but hoping we will get some positive news over the next 2 weeks and Decembers celebrations will be even more fun and meaningful.

Long term I have the Lions tour to look forward to. Also I have decided that I'm going to take up canoeing \ kayaking. The is also a charity cycle ride in Napal I would like to do. Before I can do any of this I need to get my body in shape.

Well done to Gav Hooper who completed cycling the Great Wall of China last week. I'm glad to hear some quotes from my blog inspired a few people on. The pictures look fantastic. If anyone wants to make a donation the is a link on the right hand side of the blog.

Also thanks to my Dad who was visiting this week and all those who sent messages of support for the transplant. It has not been an easy week and having the support their does make a huge difference to me.



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