Sunday 27 January 2008

Birthday Take 2: 24th Jan to 27th Jan

My birthday started in earnest around 7:30 the morning staff came into my room and sang happy birthday to me (remember I'm on quite a lot of Morphine still at this point). This is followed up half an hour later by the day nurses coming in and singing happy birthday. This time they bring me a cake.... Perhaps like the man who was attacked my tickling ferrets I would have nurses and cake all day. If so I better request more Morphine.

Sadly the was no more nurses coming to sing to me and bring me cake. I was cut a generous portion and the rest was passed round the other patients and the the should have been enough for the nurses to have, (unfortunately a familiar story to many offices.. the cleaners ran away with it). In a timely fashion my parents rang to ask if I needed anything, another cake was needed to keep the nurses happy. This arrived for lunch time (a Caterpillar cake), and was split around again, once again I was given a large portion. Well 2 cakes in 1 day.. I am trying to put on weight. I was later brought a pack of 6 mini Caterpillar cakes which I had to try as well.

The cards were arriving a soon took up the window sill and the notice board. Presents then started to arrive. Doctors also seemed to think operation had gone well. Also I may be able to get out on day release next week before isolation. Getting out of hospital would be the best present I could have right now. Have a good day with plenty of well wishes. Manage to eat a silly amount of food. This is confirmed early Thursday when weight is checked and I've managed to put on a whole kg, not bad seen as I've been on nil by mouth for 3 days of the week. More good news follows my CRP count dropped straight after the operation a good sign that the infection is on the way out. Friday I get to see what they have done to my leg. The dressings come off, I have had 2 tubes draining fluid from my leg, I thought that these would just relate sorting out the remnants of the fluids left behind my infection. These however were huge tubes. Once they started moving them (they start just below my hip) I can feel them grip muscle just above my knee. The vacuum pump is turned of and the nurse starts to slowly pull the tube out. This is agony. It feels like the vacuum is still on.. Can feel it grating on the sides as well this is not good. They pull this one out, each time I winch they stop. They finish eventually but decided to do the 2nd one with some more painkiller. They get the Morphine for me. Iain turns up, I said to him that I might need a destraction for the next 20 minutes. So we play connect 4. We get through a few games before the nurses come back. This time I tell them to do it quickly. Thats much better not much of a problem this time.

I have been asking nurses and doctors for the last few days about my transplant when I'm due the pre-op tests when I'm due to go into isolation. Answers on CRP counts are slow to come back, in general no one seems to know whats going on. I'm getting quite frustrated.

Saturday brings the best news of the week, I'm early on the doctors round and I vent some of my frustration on the doctors. This is half a sign of my frustration of been stuck in the same room for so long. Later in the morning I accidentally flash one of the more senior nurses. One of these actions caused the nurses to decide I was well enough to deserve some time out. It started off with an offer of been home Sunday for a Sunday Lunch but soon was upgraded to been home on Saturday!!! I ended up watching OB's play rugby... Fresh Air never tasted so good, shame OB's played so badly (obviously desperately missing myself). Get home and get home cooked food! Also have the unforeseen benefit of celebrating Christmas which had been postponed. More presents and get to open more cards. How much better can a day get. Start of pissed off with the world end up having Christmas day, what better way to cheer up.

Sunday trys to beat it with leaving hospital and heading home and having a brilliant Sunday Lunch. I clear through emails and will reply individually but news that hear my friend Anna from Milk Link has had an accident with Fireworks over Christmas puts a downer on the day. I wish her all the best in recovery and may bump into you in the EMT when I have a check up some time in next week or so.

Thank you for your support keep it coming before I go into isolation on the 11th February ready for transplant on the 19th, followed by 100 days isolation. I hope they keep letting me out over next week or so should be able to catch up on emails.



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