Wednesday 19 December 2007

Story so far…

On the 6th October 2007 Robbie was diagnosed with Leukaemia. He resolved to fight this disease and come out of it for the better. Besides I’m young fit, healthy if anyone can beat this I can.

The initial few weeks bring a shock to the system, both in terms of what I’m in for drugs, tubes; routines, hospital food and how different people deal with disease. The first round of Chemo does not cause much of an issue. I eventually lose my hair, but manage to keep watching OB’s throughout most of the treatment. If this is all I have to put up with its all ok I can handle this.
I did have one problem during the 1st phase that carried through to phase 2 of the treatment… my wisdom tooth was swelling up, this ended up causing far more problems than you would expect. After an operation to sort out the second round of Chemo started while I still had an infection. The result was cold sweats, temperatures around 40 c and very rough. While the infections gradually reduced the Chemo was still hard, vomiting at least 3 times a day and tried every anti-sickness drug available with no effect. Eventually things calm down enough for the doctors to let me home on the 11th December. Last Chemo is on the 21st December, then I’ll be free for Christmas at home.

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