Sunday 14 October 2007

Escape From Ward 62

I'm up early. The ward was quite last night. Only me & Uri are in the room. He was diagnoised in Peru. The is no national blood bank or transfussion service there. You rely on friends, or paying someone in the street to help you. To get treatment your family have to sell everything they have.. I doubt I'll ever complain about the NHS again. In Peru he was given his last rights, they said he would die. He married his girlfriend while in a wheelchair borrowing a suit jacket from his best man and making do with whatever rings they could find. He has lived on and is in the UK now, those rings mean more to him and his wife than any diamond ever could.

I'm keen to get out of here. The standard observations and blood tests are done. While they take my blood pressure and other details I stare at the monitor hoping they are ok. They are and I'm released. Its such a relief.

Its good to be at home. A comfy sofa, my own bed and a bit of freedom. I'm not sure if it was the drugs, been up early of or just the sight of my own bed but I sleep for a few hours in the afternoon waking to watch the South Africa vs Argentina game. If Argentina had played like this against Scotland they could have beaten them. South Africa look strong I can't see England beating them, but all my predictions so far have been wrong.

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