Tuesday 9 October 2007

I'm not a cripple, just a little paranoid..

After morning routine nurses sits down to go through plans for today. I am going to be busy today. Due a CT scan and have to go to Southmead for some further tests.

I have no idea what a CT scan is, nurses and doctors assume that I know about these things. Its a 3d xray of my internal organs to check my kidney and liver are still working. I may regret those extra jugs in Lizard lounge after today? To do this scan they make you drink various dyes which will show up on the Xray and then inject you with some radioactive liquid. I am brought a jug of orange juice containing the dyes. I'm told it will taste horrible and I have half an hour to drink it. Turns out it tastes exactly like one of Lizard Lounges jugs.

To head to the xray a hospital porter is sent to collect me. Despite still been perfectly able they insist that I go in a wheelchair. I'm not even allowed to help hold doors open. I have been stuck on this ward since Sat so would have appreciated the walk but insurance policies won't let me. The xray itself is a strange experience. A fluid is injected which sends a burning sensation into the veins. You are then passed through a donut shaped machine like paper through a photocopier. I've already been in the hospital to long, I actually quite enjoy it.

I am meant to wait for the porters to come back and collect me. I think visitors are waiting for me and the porter may take awhile. I decide to leg it, with a little help I find my way back to the ward.

This afternoon I am shipped off to Southmead. Taxi drops me at the wrong place and I wonder round the hospital searching for the right ward. Eventually get this sorted and tests done. However the is complete confusion over the taxi taking me back to the BRI. I end up waiting around reception for over an hour. The are so many diseased people about. I know my immune system is shot and don't want to be anywhere near them. I going a little OCD. I've never been so aware of each cough or splutter. I really don't want to be here.

Finally get back to the BRI. Charlie who has helped me deal with everything is been released today. In a strange way I think he is sad to go.. We have got on well over the past few days and he has helped me realised how to tackle the upcoming hardships. Once he is gone the ward falls silent.. Everyone left is in a self imposed isolation.

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